Lots of crying, drama, dancing, singing, shouting: the perfect recipe for Indian reality shows, isn't it? Not anymore! Enter Shark Tank India!
We were used to our discussions over the dinner table of what was happening in our favorite reality show, which contestant was a better singer/dancer or who was going to be the BIG BOSS. Like a breath of fresh air in the Indian reality show scenario, it is a show that celebrates new ideas and the spirit of entrepreneurship with heartfelt stories.
The show invites aspiring entrepreneurs to pitch their businesses/ideas in front of a group of ‘sharks’ who are investors. If the pitch resonates with a shark or multiple sharks, they have a deal, give investment and enter into partnership with the owner.
Unlike shows like Naagin, now running its 6th season, and the good ol’ BIG BOSS with its 13th season, we are already late in bringing a concept as educational as the Shark Tank while the US-based show from which it is inspired is already on its 13th season. No brainer shows have done enough damage to our society be it the negativity they bring along, no logic, or the amount of time wasted with no returns on them. People coming up with arguments like the show is scripted and nothing is real, it is actually better than an ICCHADHAARI MONGOOSE, isn't it?

It’s high time we as an audience choose to feed our minds the right thing
When you talk about an Indian household, try asking them what investment means to them. You expect answers like mutual funds and fixed deposits. With Shark Tank India, everyone is now familiar with terms like equity, valuation, bull run, and gross margin. These are some business-related words that no one knew before the show. This show has also inspired hundreds of minds into thinking if these people can come up with such ideas, why can’t we? Isn’t that something that would do good for the country in the long run? It will motivate the initiative ‘Make In India’.
After two years of gloom and doom, it is refreshing to see that some people weren't just sitting around and waiting for others to solve certain problems. They took the charge and solved frustrating problems with creative solutions. This show is their platform for investment and mentorship as they believe in their skills and don't want charity.

The sharks themselves are some of the brightest minds of the country who brought their companies to the heights they are today! There is something to learn from whatever they bring to the table. It is easy to watch this show which is both entertaining and educational at the same time. If you missed it in the initial days, you can still binge-watch it on SonyLiv and not regret even a single minute spent on this marvel.
At the end of it, you will find yourself using “I’m out”, “Itna valuation Kaise”, “Itni Kam equity main kon hi invest Karega” and “Ye toh doglapan hai” quite often!
Don’t believe us? Arre invest ho ke dekho!